Sunday 11 March 2012

Instagram will be available for Android users..soon

The fantastically fun and exciting app, Instagram, is one of the most used and popular app for iphone users since...dinosaurs roamed the earth,literally. I cant think of a single photos uploaded onto facebook on my newsfeed that isnt Instagrammed (is that a word? I think I just verb-alize the word Instagram). The users or "photographers" (and I use the word in a very very loose sense) can take a picture of any ordinary and mundane objects and transform the photograph into an amazing picture with professional-like qualities. Im sure y'all all very well awared of this app already, and can possibly operate the app while sleeping, driving, or drunk. ;)
However, this amazing app has left many non-iphone users felt deprived and inadequately equipped for the wonderful artistic world because of their lack of capturing artistic photos. Yes readers, you can probably read my melodramatic and depressed undertone thus far that I am an Android user. Though I do enjoy the capabilities, designs and originality of my Android, I often asked myself: "How would I express my feelings and emotions through this picture without the features and benefits of Instagram?"
Fret not Android brothens ..and sisters, Instagram founders had recently confirmed that a version for the Adroid will be releasing "very soon". It is currently being tested in a private beta.
I am most absolutely delighted to be downloading this app and show the world (or at least the people on my facebook) how beautiful my dinner, or a rock, the street signs, my fingernails, etc will look through Instagram's filters.


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